Solus Blog

Solus i3wm configuration

I just tried new window manager and did a log. This log may be useful for others :). Most of the config files I downloaded from the net and I just modified it.
Dotfiles => Solus i3 config dotfiles
Hope i uploaded everything if anything missing please do let me know.

eopkg install

These are the main packages to install i3wm
sudo eopkg it i3 i3blocks dunst rofi feh compton xprop lxappearance xkill font-awesome-4 


fontawesome for font icons copy the .font folder and place it in $HOME and run below command in terminal.
fc-cache -vrf


Used lxappearance to set the theme. I used the Nordic bluish theme and the link below

Nordic bluish theme


used feh for set the wallpaper (find the setting in i3 config file).It does support setting multimonitor wallpaper display. (change the img folder or img file path in i3 config file)


compton for compositor you need to find which option works for you and set it else use generic one like (comptom -b) with out config file path in i3 config. Please feel free to share the best settings to me :)


run xprop in terminal and move the mouse pointer to the desired application the xprop will print the details of the application. Find the class name and use it in i3 config and compton. (find a WM_CLASS(STRING) in xprop output)

Xprop screenshot



copy the volumeicon application file (tray icon) from to_usr_bin folder to /usr/bin

blurlock, i3exit

copy the blurlock and i3exit shell script from to_usr_bin folder to /usr/bin. blurlock is just a fancy looking lock. Finally provide exec permission to all the shell script
 chmod +x /usr/bin/volumeicon
 chmod +x /usr/bin/blurlock
 chmod +x /usr/bin/i3exit

i3 config

its a main config file (~/.config/i3/config) I did set the super/windows key as a mod key (you can change it to other key). Go through the key bindings in the file and remember the keybinding.
mod+0 key to lock/exit/reboot/shutdown

i3 screenshot


i3 blocks config

To display the top panel have a look at i3blocks config file


used dunst to show the notification

Dunst screenshot

I used Papirus-Dark you can change icon theme in dunstrc config file. if icons are not visible then make a soft link in local/share.
cd ~/.local/share
ln -s /usr/share/icons/ icons
dunst config


rofi run launcher (mod+d key) - screenshot

Rofi screenshot

rofi active window launcher (mod+tab key) - screenshot

Rofi screenshot

rofi calendar mouse click on date/time in top panel - screenshot

Rofi screenshot

Set the alignment in mainly -yoffset -285 -xoffset 540 \ values
rofi signout mouse click on powerbutton in top panel - screenshot

Rofi screenshot

Set the alignment in mainly -yoffset -285 -xoffset 540 \ values. Please uncomment [poweroff] blocks in i3Blocks.conf file if you want to use it (I am using mod+0)
rofi theme file
have a look at rofi theme (.rasi) file in rofi folder and .Xresource file for any modification or new themes by default rofi comes with rofi-theme-selector just run the same in terminal and follow the steps.


Morc menu is an alternative to dmenu i did download manually from morc_menu copy the morc_menu application file to /usr/bin and customised config file in dotfiles folder. or copy from to_usr_bin folder to /usr/bin and finally provide exec permission for morc_menu
 chmod +x /usr/bin/morc_menu

Morc menu screenshot

Disable auto login

disable auto login to gnome/kde/budgie
 sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
comment the autologin-user
Restart the system and you will see the login screen and choose i3


I am using suckless terminal its bit tricky mainly the scrolling. If you dont want to use st please do change in i3 config file search for st and replace with your favorite terminal Thats it for i3. Feel free to make an issue in the github will respond ASAP.